Английский язык. Вариант 3. Контрольная работа 3. НГУЭУ.




1. Выберите слово, близкое по значению к данному. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.

1. trustworthy a) reserved b) careless c) reliable

2. to go on a) to produce b) to carry on c) to run out

3. vacancy a) condition b) opening c) career

4. salary a) bonus b) earnings c) perk

5. silly a) stubborn b) honest c) stupid

2. Выберите слово, противоположное по значению к данному. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.

6. to recruit a) to plan b) to sack c) to produce

7. to hate a) to differ b) to adore c) to resemble

8. benefits a) reference b) advert c) disadvantages

9. bad-tempered a) sociable b) quiet c) easy-going

10. risky a) safe b) rude c) selfish

3. Выберите английское словосочетание, соответствующее русскому. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.

11.работодатель a) employer b) employee

12.ноутбук a) laptop b) handheld

13.опытработы a) experience b) qualification

14.знаменитость a) editor b) celebrity

15.фильмужасов a) western b) horror


4. Выберите подходящую альтернативу. Занесите выбранный вариант в лист ответов.

16. The salary they were suggesting sounds so good / too good to be true!

17. There were so few / so little customers that I went home early.

18. We can’t pull out now. There is too much / too many money involved.

19. It was such / so a boring meeting that I nearly fell asleep.

20. The meeting was such / so boring that I nearly fell asleep.

21. I had to say ‘no’ – the cost was so much / too much for the budget I was given.

22. We had so much / so many new business that we needed extra staff.

23. I had so much / so many reports to write that I put the answering machine on.

24. We have so little / so few information that we can’t make a decision.

5. Выберите правильный вариант модального глагола. Внесите букву, обозначающую правильный вариант, в лист ответов.

25. You … to be at work by nine o’clock.

a) need b) should c) are

26. Of course, I … translate this article, it’s easy!

a) should b) can c) couldn’t

27. The policeman told the woman she… worry.

a) needn’t b) couldn’t c) may not

28. Little children like books with large print. They… read them more easily.

a) should b) must c) can

29. “I … ride a bicycle until I was eight.” – “Neither could I.”

a) couldn’t b) could c) can’t

30. … sit here, or do you want me to sit somewhere else?

a) Could you b) Shall I c) Why don’t we

31. Good morning, welcome to our company….help you?

a) May I b) Would you mind c) Let’s

32. We need to talk about our group presentation for Friday …meet after lunch tomorrow?

a) How about b) Why don’t we c) If I were you, I’d

33. That’s not a very nice way to talk to other people. …speak like that.

a) I don’t think you should b) Is it all right if I c) Would you mind

6. Выберите правильный вариант предложения в косвенной речи. Внесите букву, обозначающую правильный вариант, в лист ответов.

34. Travel agent: “I think the train will be on time.” The travel agent said .

a) that she thinks the train to be on time

b) that she thought the train would be on time

c) that she thinks will be the train on time

d) that she thinks the train would going to be on time

35. Byron: “I can’t do this research.” Byronsaid .

a) he had not done the research

b) he can notdo the research

c) he can’t to do the research

d) hecouldn’tdo the reserch

36. Chris: “Robin will be arriving on Saturday.” Chrissaid .

a) RobinarriveonSaturday

b) Robin would be arriving on Saturday

c) RobinarrivingonSaturday

d) RobinhadarriveonSaturday

37. Cameron: “I have missed the bus, but I’ll catch the next one.” Cameronsaid .

a) he has missed the bus but was catching the next time

b) he has missed the bus but he catches the next one

c) he had missed the bus, but would catch the next one

d) he has missed the bus but can caught the next one

38. Cathy: “I have a new business.” Greg: Cathysays .

a) that she had before a new business

b) that she been having a new business

c) that she have a new business

d) that she has a new business

39. Greg: “I know what the assignment is.” Gregsaid .

a) that he knew what the assignment was

b) that he knows what is the assignment

c) that he knows what was the assignment

d) that he knew what was to be the assignment

40. Byron: “I don’t know what Dan said.” Byronstated .

a) that he didn’t know what he say

b) that he didn’t know what he did say

c) that he didn’t know what he did said

d) that he didn’t know what he had said

41. Ruby: “I go to school every day.” Ruby hassaid .

a) that she goes to school every day

b) that she went to school next month

c) that she go each day to school

d) that she could go school every day

42. Sherri and Dan: “We enjoyed the concert.” Sherri and Dan told us _ .

a) thatenjoyedtheconcert

b) they had enjoyed the concert

c) thattheyenjoyingtheconcert

d) they can be enjoy the concert

43. Peter: «The weather is warmer than usual.» Byron: Petersaid .

a) that the weather warmer than usual

b) the weather it is warmer than usual

c) the weather was warmer than usual

d) the weather be warmer than usual


7. Прочитайте текст и определите верны ли приведенные ниже утверждения (а -верно; b — не верно; c — информация в тексте отсутствует). Внесите букву, обозначающую правильный вариант,в лист ответов.

1. Work may sometimes seem like hell, but when we haven’t got it, we miss it. We miss it, w ewant it and perhaps we even need it. Everyone wants to be valued and as alary is proof that we matter.

2. Not any job will do, however. Housework and voluntary work tend to be seen as non-jobs. In our work-centred culture, a ‘proper job’ means paid employment. Being paid for a job is better for ourself-esteem. Of course, we would also prefe rwork to be useful and interesting, as well as paid.

But you don’t have to enjoy your job to get psychological lbenefits from it. According to some experts, achieving unenjoyable tasks during our work actually contributes to our sense of well- being.

3. The obligation to be in a particular place at a particular time, working as part of a team towards a common goal, gives us a sense of structure and purpose that we find difficult to impose on ourselves. For a lot of us, the workplace has also taken over from the community as the place of human contact. For most of us, work often functions as a social club, an information network, an informal dating agency and a marriage bureau.

4. Although genuine workaholics are uncommon, many of us are job addicts without realizing it. When we can’t work for whatever reason, we show similar signs to real addicts who are deprived of their ‘fix’-we become irritable and lethargic. Among newly-retiredmen, death rates increase significantly in the first six months after leaving employment. For most of their lives, their personality, self-esteem and status have been defined by work; without it, they lose thei rappetite for life.

5. Life wasn’t always so driven by employment, however. Work inthe pre-industrial age was task-oriented not time-structured, focusing not on money but on tasks necessaryf or survival. Whole communities worked together so there was less division between wor kand ‘freetime’. The Industrial Revolution radically changed how people worked. Suddenly, work was no longe rstructured by seasons, but by the clock. Work was separated from the rest of life, andbegantoprovidemoneyratherthanfoodandgoods.

6. More recently, the revolution in Information Technology has againc hanged the nature of work and employment. The workplace itself may become redundant. Two million employees in the UK now work from home, keeping in touch via email and phone. Man yemployers say tha tworking ‘remotely’ improves productivity, as workers are happier and waste less time commuting. There are downsides too, however, as workers lose touch with the workplace and people there.

44. Being paid to work makes many people feel better.

45. Non-paid work is just as good aspaid work in terms of increasing self-esteem.

46. Doing tasks you don’t enjoy at work is always bad for your mental health.

47. Most people find it difficult to find a purpose to the day without work.

48. The social aspect of work is very important for the majority of people.

49. When people retire, they sometimes feel less happy than when they worked.

50. Two million workers in the UK work ‘remotely’.

8. Переведите письменно 3, 4, 5, 6 абзацы текста.

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