Английский язык. Вариант 1. СПбУТУиЭ



Задание 1 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple. Переведите предложения.

1. Не (to be) a good footballer.

2. We (not to go) to school.

3. The roses (to be) very beautiful.

4. I (to have) an interesting book.

5. She (not to like) classical music.

6. Her first class (to start) at eight o’clock.

7. Ann (not to read) a lot.

8. He always (to invite) his friends to his birthday party.

9. I (to go) for a walk every day.

10. She (to wash) her car once a week

Задание 2

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. Переведите предложения.

1. Peter (to clean) his car.

2. I´m scared. A big dog (to stand) in front of me.

3. We (not to sing) our favourite song.

4. My brother and I (to play) a computer game.

5. The teachers (to show) us a film

6. She´s happy. She (not to work) today.

7. What ____________ you ____________ (to wait) for? I´m (to wait) for John.

8. ____________ it ____________ (to snow)? No, it (to rain).

9. What ____________ you ____________ (to do) today? We (to go) to the park.

10. ____________ you ____________ (to listen) to me? No, I (to listen) to the radio.

Задание 3

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple. Переведите предложения.

1. Her father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired. 2. Where your uncle (to work)? – He (to work) at school. 3. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 4. When you usually (to come) home from school? – I (to come) at four o’clock. 5. My sister (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the evening. 6. You (to read) a magazine and (to think) about your holiday at the moment? 7. I (to sit) in the waiting room at the dentist’s now. 8. When you (to listen) to the news on the radio? 9. You (to play) chess now? 10. My father (not to work) at the shop.

Задание 4

Поставьте артикли a/an или the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения.

1. She is … famous actress and she often appears on … TV.

2. What … beautiful painting! … artist is such … talented person.

3. Tony has two children: … boy and … girl. They are … twins. … girl is in … France now.

4. She is … very nice woman but her sons are … bad boys.

5. … Jacksons live in that lovely cottage with … fantastic garden.

6. Little Mike leaves for … school very early because … school is quite far from … his home.

7. David is … old friend of mine. He plays … guitar perfectly.

8. Where is your … brother? — He is at … home. He is in his … room. He is doing his … homework.

9. Roger is … scientist, he works for … government.

10. We go to … gym twice … week.

Задание 5

Напишите словами указанное цифрами время.

Например: 5:20 — It’s twenty past five.

1. 3:30

2. 5:25

3. 1:15

4. 11:45

5. 12:40

6. 7:30

7. 10:05

8. 3:35

9. 9:00

10. 10:10

Задание 6

Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст.


Art is a way to show one’s emotions or communicate one’s thoughts. Art is an important part of people’s cultural life. There are different forms of art.

Painting is a practice of applying paint or color to a surface. There are a lot of genres and styles. For example, there are landscape, portrait and still life paintings. There are a lot of famous painters, such as Leonardo da Vinci with his Mona Lisa and Rafael with his Sistine Madonna.

Sculpture is one of the plastic arts. The process of work involves carving or modeling. Stone, clay or wood are the most typical materials.

Photography is also a form of art but is characterized by usage of various technical tools. Thanks to technological progress a photographer can create unforgettable images.

Theatre is a form of art where a group of people performs in front of a live audience. The performance is usually based on a real or imagined event. The actors communicate this experience to the public through gestures, songs and words.

Cinema is a relatively new form of art. The action is performed on the screen. Today, cinema is a very popular leisure activity.

Music has always been an important part of human’s life. Different genres of music can be used for relaxation, awakening, and what not. Everyone has heard about Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and other great composers.

Architectural works are often perceived as a form of art. Architecture is quite versatile. There are a lot of styles, shapes and trends.

Задание 7

Составьте краткий рассказ о себе. (Имя/фамилия, возраст, откуда вы, кто вы по профессии, кратко о семье). 10-15 предложений
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